Tag: free speech
Court OKs prayer ban at state championship in 2015
It was OK for the Florida HS Assn not to allow a Christian school to say a prayer over the PA system at a state title game. But rules change.
6th Circuit stands by school on pronoun use rules
Even if you oppose using transgender students' preferred pronouns, you know that misgendering a student could cause harm.
Parents seek to curb moral indoctrination
The teaching of critical race theory, gender identity, and so on, is coming under fire from parents and governors, despite its minimal influence.
A tweet to end universities and public schools
We wonder how widespread words of violence and tyranny are in promoting what I thought was a conservative agenda about the public schools.
SCOTUS hears about censuring school board members
Can school board members and other elected officials use free speech liberally without fear of censure by the body to which they were elected?
1st Amendment protects Instagram post about Covid
Can a student post about Covid without fear of retaliation by well-meaning police officers who claim they're acting in the community's best interests?
IL dist. to pay $35K to student over gun speech
An IL student who opposed stronger gun laws following the school shooting at a Fla. HS will be compensated for unfair treatment.
Pa. school punishes cheerleader for foul post
SCOTUS may decide if a school can ban a student from cheerleading if she flips off the squad and the school on Snapchat.
History teacher in France beheaded
He taught freedom of expression and the personal liberty to believe or not to believe and was killed by an Islamic terrorist.
Weird things this polar vortex brought
Unusual things have happened during the polar vortex that sent temps in the Midwest plummeting to well below zero.