Monday, February 10, 2025
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Tag: 4th Amendment

W. Sub. schools prepare for immigration enforcement

School officials across the nation are offering guidance regarding what school officials need to do if an ICE agent shows up.

Aspects of remote exam proctoring unconstitutional

The pandemic forced schools to offer remote testing, even for high-stakes tests, leading to proctoring and privacy issues.

Student thrown in jail who opposed a school policy

A student was arrested and put in jail for speaking out against a school policy; he was charged with harassment.

Sheriff ‘searched’ students, faces sex assault charge

A search that may have been unlawful or unconstitutional at a Ga. h.s. has resulted in the indictment of a sheriff on sexual battery charges.

Supreme Court won’t review a Md. pat-down search

What makes a pat-down search constitutional during a traffic stop? Not the strong smell of marijuana, at least not in Maryland.

No reasonable expectation of privacy in a classroom

A teacher who changed in his classroom for after-school activities was videotaped by the school; he can't sue them under the 4th or 14th Amendment.

Republicans challenge the right to protest in Ariz.

A bill that has cleared the Ariz. state senate would allow the gov't to seize the property of people associated with a protest if the protest damaged property.

N.Y. school sued over strip-search

A student was allegedly strip searched in N.Y., based on 3 students who said she was carrying drugs. She wasn't. Now she's suing the school.

Minn. groups file transgender bathroom complaint

A Minnesota schools says a transgender girl on the basketball team can change in the girls' locker room, but some groups say it violates privacy for other girls.

7-year-old Mo. student cried, was handcuffed

A 7-year-old boy, allegedly handcuffed by a police officer in a Kansas City elementary school for crying, is suing the school district.