Thursday, January 16, 2025
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Tag: Arizona

Proposition 208 picks up steam in Ariz.

A ballot initiative would tell the state's lawmakers how to tax high earners and send the extra money to the schools. What happens next?

Students’ pic goes viral from Trump rally

A rally led by Pres Trump in Phoenix last month brought instant online fame to 3 students from a Gilbert, AZ, h.s. Also hateful comments.

In doing ‘his job,’ Arpaio neglected child abuse

Pres. Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio, an Ariz. sheriff the Justice Dept. said abused Hispanic people to enforce his brand of immigration reform but ignore other crimes.

Red rock layers of Sedona show natural history

Evidence reveals all around us that parts of the US that are now part of a desert were once covered by an ocean.

Valley Vista musical is a star in a sky of darkness

Musical theater productions are rare in Arizona high schools, where fine arts programming in the schools has taken a few hits recently.