Tag: Betsy DeVos
This week in Washington (Trump, Sessions, DeVos)
The political banter continues, as the drama escalates in Washington, Baltimore; meanwhile, life marches on for students and Americans.
DeVos looks to make predatory lending great again
An initiative at the US Ed. Dept. would eliminate the gainful employment rules that protect students from predatory lending practices.
Trump’s budget has no common good
Donald Trump has proposed a federal budget that will drastically cut scientific research, education, and environmental protection.
Present debate shifts focus away from student issues
There are, to be sure, real issues facing America. But the present debate has caused lawmakers to lose focus and move away from actual solutions.
25 years of data show no gains from vouchers
Vouchers are shown to be ineffective in yet another long-term study. When will we learn that taking funds away from public schools is a bad idea?
3 studies show poor academic results for vouchers
A few remarkable studies show that students in 3 states who receive vouchers do worse than their voucher-eligible peers who remain in public schools.
DeVos stops opposing transgender rescindment
The Trump administration seems ready to rescind a rules from the Obama administration that dictated which bathrooms transgender students should use.
Sticks and stones at the president’s motorcade
Violence distracts our national focus away from more important matters, like a bill now in the US House that will voucher-ize the nation's schools.
Teaching ‘yes’ means ‘yes’ for sexual consent
Sex ed in h.s. would include a "requirement" to teach affirmative consent as part of the curriculum if a Md. bill becomes law.
K12 Inc. gets a boost with DeVos
It's possible that a momentary rally in the price of K12 Inc. stock was driven, in part, by the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as US secretary of education.