Tag: gun
A few threats received against Baltimore-area schools
Police and school officials in a few Md. school systems have been investigating threats since the mass shooting in Fla.
Students step into the gun debate with a song
Students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS have composed an original song promising to stand tall forever and "shine."
Students walk out in protest over gun laws
A massive student protest across America underscored the desire on their part to reconsider the nation's gun laws.
Would arming teachers help?
Can we come up with a multi-faceted approach that could eventually lead to a way to cut down on school shooting deaths?
Trump listens; parents & students talk school safety
Students and parents met with the president today to keep him informed about school safety and the need to something this time.
A student from S.C. writes to Stoneman Douglas
Students from across the nation are responding to the shooting in Fla. last week. Love, laws, and acceptance are called for.
A message to Trump on Presidents’ Day
The New York Times has published an op-ed written by a student at Stoneman Douglas H.S. It's a message about gun safety.
13 school-related shootings reported this month
School-related shootings involve the firing of a gun in or near a school, college, university, or school bus. Getting worse.
At least 2 dead in Ky. school shooting
There's been another shooting at a high school, this time in W. Kentucky. 14 shot, a boy and girl, both 15, died.
Gunshots hit Niles North after basketball game
Shots rang out outside a basketball game Friday in Skokie, IL. No one injured, no one arrested, some damage to the school.