Tag: obesity
Weight loss should not be goal of P.E.
Staying active, rather than weight loss, should be the goal of physical education classes in school. a U. of Ga. study suggests.
Obesity is a national security threat: military leaders
Young adults in IL (& the nation) are obese at too high a rate for successful military recruiting. Nutrition and healthy living start early.
Nutrition guidance helps reduce student obesity
Children whose schools teach about making healthy eating choices tend to show a reduced trend toward obesity, more so than physical activity.
Drinking water with school lunch may cut obesity
A study out of the U. of IL suggests that encouraging students to drink water during lunch at school could cut their risks of becoming overweight.
What adults think of kids’ health today
Adults today don't think kids are as healthy as those in their own generation back in the day, citing obesity, safety, bullying, etc.
Soda tax will end in Cook Co. on Dec. 1
The added tax of 1 cent per ounce on sugar-sweetened beverages in Cook Co., IL, will end on Dec. 1. Is it a good move or not?
To live a long life, stay in shape & keep learning
You may extend your expected lifespan by staying shape, not engaging in bad habits like smoking, and by continuing to study and learn after school.
Obesity rates in the US continue to rise
The CDC says in 2015-16, more Americans were obese than ever in the history of a national survey, up about one-third over 16 years.
Exposure to violence linked to teen obesity
Kids who are obese often develop poor eating habits during adolescents, and those habits get worse when they're around violence.
Parents don’t promote healthy eating habits
Although parents know about healthy diets, many of them don't promote healthy eating in their kids, according to a new survey from U.Mich.